FPC Serves Month of Service: Mission Accomplished!

Instead of holding our annual day of service for FPC Serves on MLK Day, this year we embarked together on a month of service during January. Because of the pandemic, it was not possible for us to gather safely as a large group for Rise Against Hunger meal packing or to go in small pods to help our mission partners clean and organize. So, we got creative and found many alternative ways to serve.

What I discovered is that we really don’t need to declare a month of service. FPC church members engage in service year round, whether it is participating in FPC shares food drop off, volunteering at the front desk, helping with the Friendship Fund appointments, taking food to friends in need, or donating blood regularly, etc.

Never the less, when we declared a month of service for January, you managed to kick your service efforts into an even higher gear. I am continuously astounded and humbled by this congregation’s generosity of their time, talents and giving spirit.

One of the highlights of my month during this pandemic, has been seeing all of your wonderful and beautiful faces in the Sunday Drive and Drop-Offs. I was blown away by the number of toiletry kits, cleaning buckets, and laundry detergent packs that were dropped off this past Sunday, February 7. Our friends at the Green Chair Project and Family Promise were so appreciative.

Thank you all for your many acts of service that go towards helping our friends and neighbors.

Blessings and gratitude for your Christian Discipleship and Love towards others,

Kathy Johnson
Director of Community Outreach
First Presbyterian Church