To honor and support Christ’s kingdom by encouraging gifts, investing them responsibly,
and sharing them in a manner that furthers His mission both now and forever.
In December 1990, the Session of First Presbyterian Church of Raleigh (“FPC”) voted unanimously to form a non-profit corporation for the purpose of encouraging and managing special gifts and bequests to provide ongoing funding for expansion and enrichment of the ministry of FPC both locally and globally. The FPC Foundation of Raleigh, Inc. (“the Foundation”) was incorporated on April 30, 1991.
The Foundation is governed by a 12-member Board of Directors (“the Board”), each a member of FPC. Four members are elected annually by the Session to serve three-year terms. The Board meets quarterly to review the operations of the Foundation and to oversee its investment performance and expenditures.
Gifts to the Foundation are invested to provide a growing and continuous source of income. The Foundation’s assets are professionally managed by an investment firm that is selected by the Foundation’s Board and monitored by the Foundation’s Investment Committee.
Under the Foundation’s by-laws, income from investments is used to support and expand the mission of FPC, its benevolences and its capital needs. Gifts to the Foundation are not intended to replace the generous congregational giving needed to meet the general operating expenses of FPC.
The Foundation is governed by a 12-member Board of Directors (“the Board”), each a member of FPC. Four members are elected annually by the Session to serve three-year terms. The Board meets quarterly to review the operations of the Foundation and to oversee its investment performance and expenditures.
Gifts to the Foundation are invested to provide a growing and continuous source of income. The Foundation’s assets are professionally managed by an investment firm that is selected by the Foundation’s Board and monitored by the Foundation’s Investment Committee.
Under the Foundation’s by-laws, income from investments is used to support and expand the mission of FPC, its benevolences and its capital needs. Gifts to the Foundation are not intended to replace the generous congregational giving needed to meet the general operating expenses of FPC.
How is the mission of FPC enhanced by the Foundation?
The Board, acting in accordance with the Foundation’s by-laws, determines how gifts are distributed from Foundation funds. In 2018, the Foundation by-laws were revised and approved by the FPC Session allowing the Foundation to distribute up to 5% of the average of the previous five-year investment balances as of September 30 in the next year.
Funds can be used for needs such as:
Capital improvements
Support of Presbyterian schools of higher education
Expanding FPC’s missions
Alleviation of hunger, both here and abroad
Provision of child development opportunities
Assistance to victims of natural disasters
Funds can be used for needs such as:
Capital improvements
Support of Presbyterian schools of higher education
Expanding FPC’s missions
Alleviation of hunger, both here and abroad
Provision of child development opportunities
Assistance to victims of natural disasters
Why have a Foundation and sustaining fund?
For over 200 years, FPC has been an amazing part of God’s transforming work in the world. As a congregation with such a rich history, we are reminded daily that we drink from wells we did not dig and feast from vineyards we did not plant—but someone did. In both facilities and ministry we are surrounded daily by this cloud of witnesses. Those who have gone before us in the life of this congregation offered their time, talents and treasures to join God’s transforming work in the world. Today we are that “someone” in this unfolding of God’s history. As those who came before us, we are called to embody the notion that we have been blessed beyond measure so that we can be a blessing to future generations. One of the ways we can be faithful in this call is through our legacy gifts to the church’s Foundation. Prayerfully consider a legacy gift to the future ministry of FPC that will continue a quality and vibrant mission for God in the heart of this city and throughout the world beyond your earthly life. We all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. Let’s be the shoulders for those who come after us.
How can I contribute to the Foundation?
Many occasions in our lives cause us to reflect with gratitude upon the blessings God has given us. The Foundation welcomes all gifts, which may be made in cash or by transfer of securities, real estate or other property. Gifts can be made to honor birthdays, anniversaries or major accomplishments, as a memorial to an individual or group or as a general contribution to the Foundation. FPC will notify donors, persons honored and the families of persons memorialized as directed by the donors.
How can I make a bequest to the Foundation?
There are many ways to wisely and creatively support God's work through the Foundation.
Some examples include:
An outright gift to the Foundation (i.e. cash, securities, real estate)
A simple amendment or “codicil” to a will
Name the Foundation as a beneficiary or partial beneficiary of an IRA (Individual Retirement Account), 401(k) plan, or other tax deferred account.
Name the Foundation as a beneficiary or partial beneficiary to a life insurance policy.
In addition to empowering the Foundation to impact lives locally and around the world, gifts and bequests may provide you or your heirs with significant tax benefits. It is recommended that you seek advice from an attorney, CPA, or estate planning advisor prior to making bequests.
For additional information, you may contact our Church Administrator, Gail Barrett, by calling the Church Office or emailing Gail at gbarrett@fpcraleigh.org. You may also contact the Foundation President at foundation@fpcraleigh.org. A designated member of the Board is available to meet with you to discuss your giving wishes. All discussions will be maintained in the strictest confidence. Alternatively you may let us know if you plan to make or have already made a bequest by accessing the form here.
Some examples include:
An outright gift to the Foundation (i.e. cash, securities, real estate)
A simple amendment or “codicil” to a will
Name the Foundation as a beneficiary or partial beneficiary of an IRA (Individual Retirement Account), 401(k) plan, or other tax deferred account.
Name the Foundation as a beneficiary or partial beneficiary to a life insurance policy.
In addition to empowering the Foundation to impact lives locally and around the world, gifts and bequests may provide you or your heirs with significant tax benefits. It is recommended that you seek advice from an attorney, CPA, or estate planning advisor prior to making bequests.
For additional information, you may contact our Church Administrator, Gail Barrett, by calling the Church Office or emailing Gail at gbarrett@fpcraleigh.org. You may also contact the Foundation President at foundation@fpcraleigh.org. A designated member of the Board is available to meet with you to discuss your giving wishes. All discussions will be maintained in the strictest confidence. Alternatively you may let us know if you plan to make or have already made a bequest by accessing the form here.
Grant Application
Past Foundation Grants
Families Together - $16,000 to replace HVAC units in their transitional apartments
Loaves and Fishes - $15,000 to purchase furniture and help purchase a new van to transport children safely
Wake Relief –$10,100 to purchase new pantry management software and pilot program for homeless food bags
Family Promise -$10,000 to replace flooring in their transitional apartments
Presbyterian Campus Ministry (PCM)-Raleigh - $10,000 to improve entryway security for campus ministry participants and purchase AV equipment
Medical Benevolence Foundation - $18,000 for a new training mannequin FSIL Nursing School - Haiti.
The Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen - $6,000 for new commercial refrigeration.
Wheels 4 Hope - $15,000 for training of 15 volunteers and mechanics, new diagnostic equipment and tools needed to confidently diagnose and repair hybrid, electric and advanced technology vehicles.
Diaper Train - $29,200 to purchase needed supplies in response to high demand.
FPC Capital Needs - $46,000 for Phase 2 Stock Building renovations to all of first flor rooms below the gym; moving and consolidating all Mission Partner/Outreach activities and offices to the south end first-floor.
Green Chair Project - $10,000 for their Sweeter Dreams program. Funds will be used to purchase beds, mattresses, pillows and beddings for children in Wake County that don't have a bed.
Step Up Ministry - $15,000
Alliance Medical Ministry - $18,000
Loaves and Fishes - $12,000
Massanetta Springs - $10,000
Salvation Army - $10,000
Turks (PCUSA Missionaries) - $16,000
A Place At The Table - $10,000
Filling in Gaps (Figs) - $8,000
Transitions LifeCare - $8,000
Urban Ministries - $16,183
William Black Lodge - $8,000
Children's Hope Alliance - $13,000
FPC Stock Building Renovation - $10,000
Union Seminary, $25,000
Community Action for Safe Apartments (CASA) – Kings Ridge, $25,000
FPC Maintenance Reserve, $50,000
The Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen, $10,000
FPC Friendship Fund, $23,750
FPC Foundation Provides COVID-19 Relief
The Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen, $5,600
A Place at the Table, $5,000
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, $5,000
Capital Towers, $5,000 to support the funding of a Service Coordinator for residents
Local Start Dental, $5,000 to support dental services for those in need
FPC Friendship Fund, $1,000 to purchase 100 tokens from A Place at the Table for meals
FPC Friendship Fund, $8,000 to increase support for mortgage payment assistance
Bolivian Mission, $5,000 to purchase laptops for teachers to conduct virtual learning
YMCA of the Triangle, $7,500 to provide financial assistance for educational opportunities targeting disadvantaged children
FPC Capital Maintenance Fund, $60,000 for ongoing maintenance and repairs
Davie Street Presbyterian Church Capital Campaign, $7,500
Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC, $12,000 for hunger relief
The Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen, additional $1,400 for hunger relief
FPC Friendship Fund, $30,000
FPC Columbarium Maintenance Fund, $12,500
FPC Capital Maintenance Fund, $75,000
JobStart Lunch Program, $2,000
Rise Against Hunger, $3,600
Haiti Outreach Ministries, $75,000
From 1995 through 2017, the Foundation made grants of $935,000 including $800,000 to the FPC Hope for Years to Come and Capital Campaigns.
Families Together - $16,000 to replace HVAC units in their transitional apartments
Loaves and Fishes - $15,000 to purchase furniture and help purchase a new van to transport children safely
Wake Relief –$10,100 to purchase new pantry management software and pilot program for homeless food bags
Family Promise -$10,000 to replace flooring in their transitional apartments
Presbyterian Campus Ministry (PCM)-Raleigh - $10,000 to improve entryway security for campus ministry participants and purchase AV equipment
- Western North Carolina Hurricane Helene Relief - $55,664:
- $13,916 to Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church – Asheville. The congregation distributes tangible items (diapers, blankets, household supplies, etc.) as well as rent assistance for those in need.
- $13,916 to First Presbyterian Church – Marion. FPC Marion is partnering with two organizations that are housed at the church. Centro Unido serves the Latino community with hot food and other amenities (clothing, toiletries, etc). CareNet is a mental health organization that offers their services to the community.
- $27,832 to Presbytery of Western North Carolina located in Morganton. The Presbytery will distribute aid where it is needed most, including to churches in the Presbytery.
Medical Benevolence Foundation - $18,000 for a new training mannequin FSIL Nursing School - Haiti.
The Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen - $6,000 for new commercial refrigeration.
Wheels 4 Hope - $15,000 for training of 15 volunteers and mechanics, new diagnostic equipment and tools needed to confidently diagnose and repair hybrid, electric and advanced technology vehicles.
Diaper Train - $29,200 to purchase needed supplies in response to high demand.
FPC Capital Needs - $46,000 for Phase 2 Stock Building renovations to all of first flor rooms below the gym; moving and consolidating all Mission Partner/Outreach activities and offices to the south end first-floor.
Green Chair Project - $10,000 for their Sweeter Dreams program. Funds will be used to purchase beds, mattresses, pillows and beddings for children in Wake County that don't have a bed.
Step Up Ministry - $15,000
Alliance Medical Ministry - $18,000
Loaves and Fishes - $12,000
Massanetta Springs - $10,000
Salvation Army - $10,000
Turks (PCUSA Missionaries) - $16,000
A Place At The Table - $10,000
Filling in Gaps (Figs) - $8,000
Transitions LifeCare - $8,000
Urban Ministries - $16,183
William Black Lodge - $8,000
Children's Hope Alliance - $13,000
FPC Stock Building Renovation - $10,000
Union Seminary, $25,000
Community Action for Safe Apartments (CASA) – Kings Ridge, $25,000
FPC Maintenance Reserve, $50,000
The Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen, $10,000
FPC Friendship Fund, $23,750
FPC Foundation Provides COVID-19 Relief
The Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen, $5,600
A Place at the Table, $5,000
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, $5,000
Capital Towers, $5,000 to support the funding of a Service Coordinator for residents
Local Start Dental, $5,000 to support dental services for those in need
FPC Friendship Fund, $1,000 to purchase 100 tokens from A Place at the Table for meals
FPC Friendship Fund, $8,000 to increase support for mortgage payment assistance
Bolivian Mission, $5,000 to purchase laptops for teachers to conduct virtual learning
YMCA of the Triangle, $7,500 to provide financial assistance for educational opportunities targeting disadvantaged children
FPC Capital Maintenance Fund, $60,000 for ongoing maintenance and repairs
Davie Street Presbyterian Church Capital Campaign, $7,500
Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC, $12,000 for hunger relief
The Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen, additional $1,400 for hunger relief
FPC Friendship Fund, $30,000
FPC Columbarium Maintenance Fund, $12,500
FPC Capital Maintenance Fund, $75,000
JobStart Lunch Program, $2,000
Rise Against Hunger, $3,600
Haiti Outreach Ministries, $75,000
From 1995 through 2017, the Foundation made grants of $935,000 including $800,000 to the FPC Hope for Years to Come and Capital Campaigns.
Recipient Testimonials
"Thank you so much! This is great news. I’m including our Executive Director on this reply. As you may know, our units were built in the 80’s and there are some places where the age is starting to show—particularly in the floors. We appreciate everything you do for us and the families we serve together. Thanks again"
-Jeff Babajtis, Development and Communications Director, Family Promise of the Triangle
"On behalf of the board and staff of Family Promise, I would like to share our sincere appreciation of this gift. Our families will greatly appreciate and will benefit from the new floors. As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are humbled by the generosity of our congregational partners. Our success with moving families from homelessness into permanent housing would not be possible without your continued support and partnership. Again, thank you so much!"
-Scott H. Ferris, MPA, LSW, Executive Director, (he/him), Family Promise of the Triangle
"You just made my day! I cannot wait to share this with the PCM Board and order everything for our students. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
-Rev. Ashley-Anne Masters, Executive Director, (Pronouns: she/her/hers), Presbyterian Campus Ministry of Raleigh
"This is absolutely wonderful news - thanks to the Foundation! I will consult with our new Executive Director and we will get back to Kathy to schedule the Moment for Mission. We will submit the Impact statement by the end of the year as we celebrate together!!"
-Joe Burmester, Assistant to the Executive Director, Loaves and Fishes Ministry, Inc.
"This is absolutely FABULOUS news!! We are beyond thrilled about receiving this incredibly generous grant from the First Presbyterian Church Foundation Board and can’t tell you how deeply grateful we are! We are very excited to begin the Building Bridges Bag pilot program to support homeless ministries and help address the needs of our homeless neighbors through your funding of this initiative. The heart of First Presbyterian for service to our community is truly inspirational, and we are very, very appreciative to have the opportunity to be a partner with you in this endeavor. We will be in touch with Kathy about speaking to your congregation and will very much look forward to it and hopefully meeting you all. Many, many thanks again and please know how deeply grateful we are for the generosity and support of First Presbyterian of our mission. It means so very much to us."
With utmost gratitude
-Katie McKenzie, Wake Relief
"I want to echo Katie's appreciation of the very generous grant from the FPC Foundation. We were so happy to share the news with the Wake Relief board at our quarterly meeting this morning; everyone was thrilled and extremely grateful for your support. The new PantrySoft software will be critical to our ability to better serve our clients, track our distribution, and also provide essential reports to the Interfaith Food Shuttle and the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC. We are very excited about the Building Bridges Bags initiative and the opportunity to partner with Triangle Family Services and Families Together. In addition to providing needed food, this program will help our partners build relationships and develop trust with the people they serve. We will look forward to sharing information about Wake Relief and the Building Bridges Bags initiative at one of your worship services. Thank you again for this wonderful grant!"
Warm regards,
-Allene Adams, Wake Relief
"We are so grateful for this wonderful contribution! FPC's gift will ensure families experiencing homelessness in our community will continue to be able to access a reliable pool of emergency and affordable housing through its investment in our properties. Thank you so much for partnering with us in this incredible and impactful way."
-Danielle, Families Together
"I am just catching up after a day of meetings and am so happy to get this amazing news! Thanks so much to you and the FPC Foundation Board for selecting Families Together for the honor of such an important and impactful grant. We will look forward to reporting on the outcome later this year and will circle back asap to schedule a time to share a "Moment for Mission" with your congregation during a worship service. Thank you for that opportunity as well!"
With gratitude,
-Jennifer Paul, Executive Director, Pronouns: she | her | hers, Families Together
"On behalf of Diaper Train, I am writing to express our sincere gratitude for the generous grant we received from First Presbyterian Church. Your support is deeply appreciated and will profoundly impact our mission to provide essential diapers to needy families, improving their mental and physical well-being. Your belief in our work and commitment to making a difference in the lives of those
we serve inspire us to continue our efforts with renewed dedication.
With warm regards."
- Katie, Diaper Train
"This is the most wonderful news!!! Wheels4Hope is so thankful for the support of First Presbyterian! Thank you so much! We would love to share a car blessing with all of you at First Presbyterian, if your schedule allows. Blessings!"
- Lisa Brusca, Wheels 4 Hope
"Thank you so much for the great news! Your congregation's generosity has overwhelmed me and our staff and guests. I will look forward to ordering it (commercial refrigerator) once I receive the funds.
Thank you again and blessings to you all."
- Tamara, Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen
"This is indeed wonderful news! We know our partners in Haiti will be so blessed by this loving gesture of support from FPC Raleigh. During this difficult time, you have given a beacon of hope to our nursing faculty, students, and future patients through the provision of this important training tool. Please extend our appreciation to all involved. Blessings"
- Chris, Medical Benevolence Foundation
"We have excellent news to share! First Presbyterian Church's $16,000 gift was enough to purchase a 2019 Dodge Ram pickup truck, which will perfectly meet the needs of our Hunger and Nutrition Food Pantry. Not unlike loaves and fish, First Presbyterian's gift was multiplied. A local dealership agreed to give us the truck for $16,000, essentially donating the remaining cost ($30,000 total). The generosity of your church is moving the generosity of others and accomplishing great things."
- Elizabeth Onye MPH BSW, Grants Specialist, Urban Ministry
"Naming a Lodging Suite in the Westminster Leadership Institute in memory of Dr. Edwin Stock, Jr. will bring me and so many in the Union family great joy. Dr. Stock greeted me so graciously upon my arrival as president of Union in 2007 and was of great assistance to me personally and institutionally throughout my tenure…..It is particularly fitting that someone who was the epitome of church leadership should be honored in our Leadership Institute."
- The Rev. Dr. Brian K. Blount, President, Unioin Seminary
"Thank you for your support of Capital Towers in Raleigh and the residents who live there! Thanks to generous donors like you, the $40,000 needed to obtain the (Services Coordinator position) match through the Presbyterian Homes Foundation was received! The Services Coordinator helped to facilitate an onsite Covid vaccine clinic, onsite flu shot clinic, assisted residents with insurance…voting…legal services…transportation solutions…rehab services… (and) mental health concerns. Audrey McGirt a resident of Capital Towers, recently shared: “You put a smile on my face. I’m very thankful for your thoughtfulness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” We greatly appreciate your….support of this ministry!"
- Chip Bradshaw, Chair of the Board, Capital Towers, Inc.
"Thank you so much for your support of the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina in advance of this historic and difficult holiday season. (Due to the timing of) your generous donation…your gift (was) doubled providing twice as many holiday meals to hungry children and their families at a time of historic need. With great appreciation for this very generous and truly valued gift, my sincere thanks…"
- Peter Werbicki, President/CEO, Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC
"Your support comes at an especially important time in the start-up phase of the clinic and secures a firm foundation from which we will build. As you know, Local Start Dental will be utilizing cutting edge technology to provide state of the art dental care to older adults, VA patients, homeless community members and other low-income adults in Durham. Your gift has put us solidly on our way to creating an outstanding clinic for these underserved members of our community."
- Doug Brown, President, Local Start Dental
"Thank you so very much for your generous grant of $7,500 that you gave to our Capital Campaign Drive. We do our best to make a difference in the downtown Raleigh neighborhood and are thrilled that you recognize our efforts. We look forward to having our services in person in our sanctuary again sometime in 2021 and invite you to join us then. Again, our sincerest thanks and appreciation are extended to you and your church family and friends."
- Susan L. Bryant, Treasurer, Davie Street Presbyterian Church
"I am extremely grateful and thankful to the FPC Foundation and your congregation for supporting us and God’s work in our community. You have helped keep us afloat and feeding all those in need. Your generosity and kindness is thought of often and fondly. Thanks Neighbor!"
- Tammy Gregory, Executive Director, Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen
"A Big Thank You to the First Presbyterian Church Foundation. The generous gift is used to feed many of our friends in our community that cannot afford a meal, a dignified meal of choice. With Covid19, we are seeing an uptick of about 300 free meals a day. This gift is helping make these meals happen every single day."
- Maggie Kane, Executive Director, A Place at the Table
"When the FPC Foundation made the Rise Against Hunger event possible, they knew they were going to help provide 15,000 meals for people who desperately needed that nourishment, but I can't imagine they could foresee what a powerful experience it was for the church family to assemble those meals. I have never been a part of such a uniquely intergenerational event where 6 year old children were working alongside 90 year old saints, and all ages in between, with every person's participation absolutely crucial to the end goal of feeding hungry people. Every person in the room that day was offering themselves to a holy purpose, and they did so with great joy, which is why we could be so sure that God was enjoying the whole thing! This is exactly the kind of world changing, people changing work that is at the heart of who we are as a church. Many thanks to the Foundation for the investment that made it possible!"
- Ed McLeod, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
"Food and Wednesday service provided by First Presbyterian Church plays a valuable part for the JobStart participants. Being incarcerated, generosity isn't something you get often, and to have people who provide food not offered within the institution taught us the importance of appreciation. Not only does the food provide substance but the Wednesday service provides physical, mental and spiritual awakening. Quote: A stranger's gift can soften the hardest heart. Thank you."
- JobStart 38 graduate
"The support of the First Presbyterian Foundation is creating life-changing impact in the Haitian community of Cite Soleil. Thanks to the Foundation’s generous support, Haiti Outreach Ministries has been able to outfit and upgrade its dental clinic with new equipment, including portable furnishings that will allow larger dental teams to serve and treat patients. In addition to improving patient care, having a well-equipped dental clinic has helped HOM recruit and hire a top-notch Haitian dentist. For a population of 10 million people in which only approximately 300 dentists exist, this kind of access to routine and quality dental care is rare and remarkable. The investment of the First Presbyterian Foundation is making a tangible difference in Cite Soleil, not just today but for years to come."
- Haiti Outreach Ministries
"Thank you so much! This is great news. I’m including our Executive Director on this reply. As you may know, our units were built in the 80’s and there are some places where the age is starting to show—particularly in the floors. We appreciate everything you do for us and the families we serve together. Thanks again"
-Jeff Babajtis, Development and Communications Director, Family Promise of the Triangle
"On behalf of the board and staff of Family Promise, I would like to share our sincere appreciation of this gift. Our families will greatly appreciate and will benefit from the new floors. As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are humbled by the generosity of our congregational partners. Our success with moving families from homelessness into permanent housing would not be possible without your continued support and partnership. Again, thank you so much!"
-Scott H. Ferris, MPA, LSW, Executive Director, (he/him), Family Promise of the Triangle
"You just made my day! I cannot wait to share this with the PCM Board and order everything for our students. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
-Rev. Ashley-Anne Masters, Executive Director, (Pronouns: she/her/hers), Presbyterian Campus Ministry of Raleigh
"This is absolutely wonderful news - thanks to the Foundation! I will consult with our new Executive Director and we will get back to Kathy to schedule the Moment for Mission. We will submit the Impact statement by the end of the year as we celebrate together!!"
-Joe Burmester, Assistant to the Executive Director, Loaves and Fishes Ministry, Inc.
"This is absolutely FABULOUS news!! We are beyond thrilled about receiving this incredibly generous grant from the First Presbyterian Church Foundation Board and can’t tell you how deeply grateful we are! We are very excited to begin the Building Bridges Bag pilot program to support homeless ministries and help address the needs of our homeless neighbors through your funding of this initiative. The heart of First Presbyterian for service to our community is truly inspirational, and we are very, very appreciative to have the opportunity to be a partner with you in this endeavor. We will be in touch with Kathy about speaking to your congregation and will very much look forward to it and hopefully meeting you all. Many, many thanks again and please know how deeply grateful we are for the generosity and support of First Presbyterian of our mission. It means so very much to us."
With utmost gratitude
-Katie McKenzie, Wake Relief
"I want to echo Katie's appreciation of the very generous grant from the FPC Foundation. We were so happy to share the news with the Wake Relief board at our quarterly meeting this morning; everyone was thrilled and extremely grateful for your support. The new PantrySoft software will be critical to our ability to better serve our clients, track our distribution, and also provide essential reports to the Interfaith Food Shuttle and the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC. We are very excited about the Building Bridges Bags initiative and the opportunity to partner with Triangle Family Services and Families Together. In addition to providing needed food, this program will help our partners build relationships and develop trust with the people they serve. We will look forward to sharing information about Wake Relief and the Building Bridges Bags initiative at one of your worship services. Thank you again for this wonderful grant!"
Warm regards,
-Allene Adams, Wake Relief
"We are so grateful for this wonderful contribution! FPC's gift will ensure families experiencing homelessness in our community will continue to be able to access a reliable pool of emergency and affordable housing through its investment in our properties. Thank you so much for partnering with us in this incredible and impactful way."
-Danielle, Families Together
"I am just catching up after a day of meetings and am so happy to get this amazing news! Thanks so much to you and the FPC Foundation Board for selecting Families Together for the honor of such an important and impactful grant. We will look forward to reporting on the outcome later this year and will circle back asap to schedule a time to share a "Moment for Mission" with your congregation during a worship service. Thank you for that opportunity as well!"
With gratitude,
-Jennifer Paul, Executive Director, Pronouns: she | her | hers, Families Together
"On behalf of Diaper Train, I am writing to express our sincere gratitude for the generous grant we received from First Presbyterian Church. Your support is deeply appreciated and will profoundly impact our mission to provide essential diapers to needy families, improving their mental and physical well-being. Your belief in our work and commitment to making a difference in the lives of those
we serve inspire us to continue our efforts with renewed dedication.
With warm regards."
- Katie, Diaper Train
"This is the most wonderful news!!! Wheels4Hope is so thankful for the support of First Presbyterian! Thank you so much! We would love to share a car blessing with all of you at First Presbyterian, if your schedule allows. Blessings!"
- Lisa Brusca, Wheels 4 Hope
"Thank you so much for the great news! Your congregation's generosity has overwhelmed me and our staff and guests. I will look forward to ordering it (commercial refrigerator) once I receive the funds.
Thank you again and blessings to you all."
- Tamara, Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen
"This is indeed wonderful news! We know our partners in Haiti will be so blessed by this loving gesture of support from FPC Raleigh. During this difficult time, you have given a beacon of hope to our nursing faculty, students, and future patients through the provision of this important training tool. Please extend our appreciation to all involved. Blessings"
- Chris, Medical Benevolence Foundation
"We have excellent news to share! First Presbyterian Church's $16,000 gift was enough to purchase a 2019 Dodge Ram pickup truck, which will perfectly meet the needs of our Hunger and Nutrition Food Pantry. Not unlike loaves and fish, First Presbyterian's gift was multiplied. A local dealership agreed to give us the truck for $16,000, essentially donating the remaining cost ($30,000 total). The generosity of your church is moving the generosity of others and accomplishing great things."
- Elizabeth Onye MPH BSW, Grants Specialist, Urban Ministry
"Naming a Lodging Suite in the Westminster Leadership Institute in memory of Dr. Edwin Stock, Jr. will bring me and so many in the Union family great joy. Dr. Stock greeted me so graciously upon my arrival as president of Union in 2007 and was of great assistance to me personally and institutionally throughout my tenure…..It is particularly fitting that someone who was the epitome of church leadership should be honored in our Leadership Institute."
- The Rev. Dr. Brian K. Blount, President, Unioin Seminary
"Thank you for your support of Capital Towers in Raleigh and the residents who live there! Thanks to generous donors like you, the $40,000 needed to obtain the (Services Coordinator position) match through the Presbyterian Homes Foundation was received! The Services Coordinator helped to facilitate an onsite Covid vaccine clinic, onsite flu shot clinic, assisted residents with insurance…voting…legal services…transportation solutions…rehab services… (and) mental health concerns. Audrey McGirt a resident of Capital Towers, recently shared: “You put a smile on my face. I’m very thankful for your thoughtfulness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” We greatly appreciate your….support of this ministry!"
- Chip Bradshaw, Chair of the Board, Capital Towers, Inc.
"Thank you so much for your support of the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina in advance of this historic and difficult holiday season. (Due to the timing of) your generous donation…your gift (was) doubled providing twice as many holiday meals to hungry children and their families at a time of historic need. With great appreciation for this very generous and truly valued gift, my sincere thanks…"
- Peter Werbicki, President/CEO, Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC
"Your support comes at an especially important time in the start-up phase of the clinic and secures a firm foundation from which we will build. As you know, Local Start Dental will be utilizing cutting edge technology to provide state of the art dental care to older adults, VA patients, homeless community members and other low-income adults in Durham. Your gift has put us solidly on our way to creating an outstanding clinic for these underserved members of our community."
- Doug Brown, President, Local Start Dental
"Thank you so very much for your generous grant of $7,500 that you gave to our Capital Campaign Drive. We do our best to make a difference in the downtown Raleigh neighborhood and are thrilled that you recognize our efforts. We look forward to having our services in person in our sanctuary again sometime in 2021 and invite you to join us then. Again, our sincerest thanks and appreciation are extended to you and your church family and friends."
- Susan L. Bryant, Treasurer, Davie Street Presbyterian Church
"I am extremely grateful and thankful to the FPC Foundation and your congregation for supporting us and God’s work in our community. You have helped keep us afloat and feeding all those in need. Your generosity and kindness is thought of often and fondly. Thanks Neighbor!"
- Tammy Gregory, Executive Director, Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen
"A Big Thank You to the First Presbyterian Church Foundation. The generous gift is used to feed many of our friends in our community that cannot afford a meal, a dignified meal of choice. With Covid19, we are seeing an uptick of about 300 free meals a day. This gift is helping make these meals happen every single day."
- Maggie Kane, Executive Director, A Place at the Table
"When the FPC Foundation made the Rise Against Hunger event possible, they knew they were going to help provide 15,000 meals for people who desperately needed that nourishment, but I can't imagine they could foresee what a powerful experience it was for the church family to assemble those meals. I have never been a part of such a uniquely intergenerational event where 6 year old children were working alongside 90 year old saints, and all ages in between, with every person's participation absolutely crucial to the end goal of feeding hungry people. Every person in the room that day was offering themselves to a holy purpose, and they did so with great joy, which is why we could be so sure that God was enjoying the whole thing! This is exactly the kind of world changing, people changing work that is at the heart of who we are as a church. Many thanks to the Foundation for the investment that made it possible!"
- Ed McLeod, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
"Food and Wednesday service provided by First Presbyterian Church plays a valuable part for the JobStart participants. Being incarcerated, generosity isn't something you get often, and to have people who provide food not offered within the institution taught us the importance of appreciation. Not only does the food provide substance but the Wednesday service provides physical, mental and spiritual awakening. Quote: A stranger's gift can soften the hardest heart. Thank you."
- JobStart 38 graduate
"The support of the First Presbyterian Foundation is creating life-changing impact in the Haitian community of Cite Soleil. Thanks to the Foundation’s generous support, Haiti Outreach Ministries has been able to outfit and upgrade its dental clinic with new equipment, including portable furnishings that will allow larger dental teams to serve and treat patients. In addition to improving patient care, having a well-equipped dental clinic has helped HOM recruit and hire a top-notch Haitian dentist. For a population of 10 million people in which only approximately 300 dentists exist, this kind of access to routine and quality dental care is rare and remarkable. The investment of the First Presbyterian Foundation is making a tangible difference in Cite Soleil, not just today but for years to come."
- Haiti Outreach Ministries
Foundation Board Members
Class of 2024
Anne B. Carter, Secretary
Larry Moye
Chris Northup
John A. Thomas
Class of 2025
Virginia D. Finley
Andy McClain
Ann Q. Poisson
Paul Hoover
Class of 2026
David E. Blake
Boyd DeVane
Reece Hester
Jennifer L. Ingram, President
(Open), Pastor/Head of Staff
Gail Barrett, Church Administrator
Anne B. Carter, Secretary
Larry Moye
Chris Northup
John A. Thomas
Class of 2025
Virginia D. Finley
Andy McClain
Ann Q. Poisson
Paul Hoover
Class of 2026
David E. Blake
Boyd DeVane
Reece Hester
Jennifer L. Ingram, President
(Open), Pastor/Head of Staff
Gail Barrett, Church Administrator