Sunday Schools

Sunday Mornings 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
We at First Presbyterian Church believe that faith formation is a life long journey. Everyone is at a different place in their journey; no matter where you are at on that journey, there is a Sunday School class that will fit all stages of your life.
Ed Greer
The Ed Greer Class is a discussion-based group themed mainly around how God calls us to live and serve. Class members also love to gather outside of class.
The journey class is mostly made up of folks who are in their 30s and 40s, some have children and some do not. This class loves to discuss with no prep required. They love to meet at restaurants and breweries outside of class as well.
The Phoenix class is a discussion-based class that loves to support each other inside and outside of class. Studies may be centered around books, articles, and scripture.
Rick Brand
The Rick Brand class is a discussion class that focuses on a variety of topics from contemporary issues to biblical studies. The class is made up of those in their middle years to senior members. A number of class members teach the class., focusing on both Bible-based and non-biblical books.
Vanguard Class is Bible 101, where the class is called to view our ancient Scripture in new ways. This is a lecture based class with some discussion. This class has a generations long, rich history and welcomes all members.
Young Adults
The Young Adult class is composed of members generally in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s, both married and single. The discussion-based class covers topics from books of the Bible to current events. In the future, this class plans to combine with the Vanguard class to continue the strong tradition of leadership in our church.

Presbyterian Women

A Presbyterian Woman...
. . . belongs. She has chosen to be a member of the church-wide organization of Presbyterian Women, which was formed in 1988 by action of the voting representatives.
. . . is never alone. Presbyterian Women have a rich heritage, with roots in the 19th-century women’s missionary societies organized in our predecessor denominations. While women were active in mission and responsive to Christ’s call, women were not represented in Presbyterian polity until 1930, when ordination (as elder) was first allowed to women. The first female deacons and elders were elected to serve in our church in 1984.
. . . is never alone. Presbyterian Women have a rich heritage, with roots in the 19th-century women’s missionary societies organized in our predecessor denominations. While women were active in mission and responsive to Christ’s call, women were not represented in Presbyterian polity until 1930, when ordination (as elder) was first allowed to women. The first female deacons and elders were elected to serve in our church in 1984.
. . . believes in her mission. The constitution of Presbyterian Women is the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA), which consists of the Book of Confessions and the Book of Order.
Presbyterian Women have characteristics such as power (from the Holy Spirit), persistence (in prayer and Bible Study), peacemaking (and work for justice), creativity, circular relationships, and many other qualities that make us ideal church leaders, and participants.
Presbyterian Women have characteristics such as power (from the Holy Spirit), persistence (in prayer and Bible Study), peacemaking (and work for justice), creativity, circular relationships, and many other qualities that make us ideal church leaders, and participants.

Thank Offering Current Recipients
The Creative Ministries Offering Committee of Presbyterian Women read, prayed over and selected eight projects for funding this year. Six of the projects serve people in the United States, and two are international. In keeping with the Thank Offering bylaws, more than forty percent of the selected projects are related to health ministries.
2024 Thank Offering of Presbyterian Women: "You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God" (2 Corinthians 9:11-12)

PW Christmas Special Giving Project
Presbyterian Women traditionally support a special project during the Christmas season. This year we supported Pride 4 Parents.

Circles are a great way for women to connect with one another in a smaller, more intimate setting.
Circle 4
Leader: Candy Parks, Susan Johnson
Circle 4 is a group of mostly retired, caring, Christian women who meet monthly September through May on the second Monday at 10:30 a.m. in Memorial Hall at First Presbyterian Church. Our meetings consist of a meaningful, interactive Bible Study, Circle business, support of local missions, and lively fellowship. In addition to our meetings, we stay connected through various means – a phone tree, email, and written communication – to share personal experiences, joys, and concerns. We cheerfully and eagerly invite ladies from all seasons of life to join our Circle 4 family. A Zoom option for the meetings is available.
Circle 4 is a group of mostly retired, caring, Christian women who meet monthly September through May on the second Monday at 10:30 a.m. in Memorial Hall at First Presbyterian Church. Our meetings consist of a meaningful, interactive Bible Study, Circle business, support of local missions, and lively fellowship. In addition to our meetings, we stay connected through various means – a phone tree, email, and written communication – to share personal experiences, joys, and concerns. We cheerfully and eagerly invite ladies from all seasons of life to join our Circle 4 family. A Zoom option for the meetings is available.
Circle 8
Leaders: Linda Armstrong , Susan Hodge
Circle 8 invites you to join us for fellowship, Bible Study, and to help us support the local missions Circle members have chosen as projects. Our Circle is comprised of single and married women of all ages, working and retired. We meet at 6:00 p.m. on the second Monday of the month at members' homes, September through May EXCEPT for December through February, when we will host meetings via Zoom at 7:00 p.m. Six of our meetings will begin with Bible study, then we will have a light supper or just dessert afterwards with time for fellowship. In June we have a potluck supper and social when we invite our spouses and friends. We actively support community mission projects each year, including Loaves and Fishes Ministry for Children, Backpack Buddies, and the Lineberger Cancer Center at the University of North Carolina.
Circle 8 invites you to join us for fellowship, Bible Study, and to help us support the local missions Circle members have chosen as projects. Our Circle is comprised of single and married women of all ages, working and retired. We meet at 6:00 p.m. on the second Monday of the month at members' homes, September through May EXCEPT for December through February, when we will host meetings via Zoom at 7:00 p.m. Six of our meetings will begin with Bible study, then we will have a light supper or just dessert afterwards with time for fellowship. In June we have a potluck supper and social when we invite our spouses and friends. We actively support community mission projects each year, including Loaves and Fishes Ministry for Children, Backpack Buddies, and the Lineberger Cancer Center at the University of North Carolina.
Circle 9
Leaders: Elizabeth Sparrow, Lora Swindell
Circle 9 is a wonderful group of women that range in age from young 30s to young 80s. We enjoy learning and laughing together, as well as providing prayer support during hard times. Our Sunday evening meeting time is convenient for those who work during the day and/or have children who are involved in FPC’s Sunday Night Youth and Children Programs. We meet at FPC (Lisa Ham Gathering Space) on the second Sunday of the month from 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. during the months of September-April with a special meal out in May. Our meetings include a light dinner, an inspirational Bible Study and discussion, and a short business meeting including updates on our missions and service projects. We warmly welcome visitors and new Circle members—come join us!
Circle 9 is a wonderful group of women that range in age from young 30s to young 80s. We enjoy learning and laughing together, as well as providing prayer support during hard times. Our Sunday evening meeting time is convenient for those who work during the day and/or have children who are involved in FPC’s Sunday Night Youth and Children Programs. We meet at FPC (Lisa Ham Gathering Space) on the second Sunday of the month from 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. during the months of September-April with a special meal out in May. Our meetings include a light dinner, an inspirational Bible Study and discussion, and a short business meeting including updates on our missions and service projects. We warmly welcome visitors and new Circle members—come join us!
Circle 10
Leaders: Alice And Carl Moore
Circle 10 is a Couples Circle started in 2003. We meet monthly in members’ homes from September through May for a covered dish meal and PW Bible Study. Normally meetings are held the second week of the month on Friday or Saturday for dinner and occasionally for lunch. We select one or more international and/or local projects to support each year. Bible study leadership and hosting are shared among the members.
Circle 10 is a Couples Circle started in 2003. We meet monthly in members’ homes from September through May for a covered dish meal and PW Bible Study. Normally meetings are held the second week of the month on Friday or Saturday for dinner and occasionally for lunch. We select one or more international and/or local projects to support each year. Bible study leadership and hosting are shared among the members.
Helpful Documents and Additional Information
Early Birds

Wednesdays, 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Throughout the year, we offer regular opportunities for fellowship, growth, and study! ‘Early Birds’, a weekly all men’s breakfast, is a great way to stay connected throughout the year!
Early Birds began as a Lenten devotional group for men in 1958, led by Dr. Al Edwards. The men enjoyed the breakfast, fellowship and devotional talks so much that they kept the meeting going!
Early Birds began as a Lenten devotional group for men in 1958, led by Dr. Al Edwards. The men enjoyed the breakfast, fellowship and devotional talks so much that they kept the meeting going!
The Earliest Birds are eating by 6:30 a.m. and the food line is open until about 7:15 a.m. At about 7:30 a.m., a Pastor, an Early Bird or guest speaker shares an encouraging 20-minute talk. By 8:00 a.m., the flock is dispersed, with full bellies and hearts.
Our Early Birds come from churches of every denomination, all across Raleigh! It has been a great opportunity to support missions' efforts right here in Raleigh, as well as in Haiti and Bolivia!
Our Early Birds come from churches of every denomination, all across Raleigh! It has been a great opportunity to support missions' efforts right here in Raleigh, as well as in Haiti and Bolivia!