How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
– Romans 10:14
Our mission to serve Christ from the heart of our city to the ends of the earth starts with you. You might be asking, “What can I do?” “Where do I start?”
Give Love – Who can you show the love of Christ to? Jesus’ commandment in Mark 12:31 to “love your neighbor as yourself”, is central to our mission at FPC.
Have Faith – Matthew 9:38 reminds us to pray for missionaries serving all across the globe. They are the hands and feet of the mission of God.
Take Action - Finally, The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19, calls us to “GO and make disciples.” Check out some of the great opportunities to serve our community and the ends of the earth.
At FPC, we have some great service opportunities for you.
Give Love – Who can you show the love of Christ to? Jesus’ commandment in Mark 12:31 to “love your neighbor as yourself”, is central to our mission at FPC.
Have Faith – Matthew 9:38 reminds us to pray for missionaries serving all across the globe. They are the hands and feet of the mission of God.
Take Action - Finally, The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19, calls us to “GO and make disciples.” Check out some of the great opportunities to serve our community and the ends of the earth.
At FPC, we have some great service opportunities for you.
Service to the Church
Church Receptionist
Consider contributing your time and talents to the church by serving as a volunteer receptionist.
Help the church out and get valuable office experience! We are looking for people who can spare four hours a month answering phones. Some days are busy and others not so busy. You can bring a book to read or notes to write when things are quiet. We would love for someone to take a monthly shift, but we are also willing to call volunteers on an as needed basis.
Receptionist schedule is 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Help the church out and get valuable office experience! We are looking for people who can spare four hours a month answering phones. Some days are busy and others not so busy. You can bring a book to read or notes to write when things are quiet. We would love for someone to take a monthly shift, but we are also willing to call volunteers on an as needed basis.
Receptionist schedule is 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Lay Reader
Would you like to be more involved in Sunday worship service? Sign up to be a lay reader and contribute in a deeply meaningful way as a voice of the congregation. What will you do? As a lay reader you will be reading the opening scripture for worship. Scared of those crazy Bible names? Don't be! You've got this and we've got you! A diversity of voices in worship is a beautiful thing!
Ushering is a simple, but important way to serve the church. We are always looking for ushers. It's a great activity for a parent to do with their middle- or high-school student or for anyone looking for a new way to get involved. You can volunteer to usher once a month or a couple of months a year. However you would like to serve, we'd love to have you.
Service to the Community
FPC Shares
Hunger continues to plague over 130,000 people in Wake County according to the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina. 34% of children in Wake County are food insecure. In addition, 5,279 elderly individuals live in poverty. Hunger does not discriminate and those at risk face difficult choices none of us should have to make.
Since 2006, we have collected non-perishable food items on a monthly basis. Each month we focus on a different staple to help our neighbors. Our donations are shared with Wake Relief, Catholic Parish Outreach and Urban Ministries. These 3 Food Pantries accept referrals from our Friendship Fund program.
Since 2006, we have collected non-perishable food items on a monthly basis. Each month we focus on a different staple to help our neighbors. Our donations are shared with Wake Relief, Catholic Parish Outreach and Urban Ministries. These 3 Food Pantries accept referrals from our Friendship Fund program.
Canned Fruit | Applesauce
Canned | Dried Beans
Canned Spaghetti | Ravioli
Peanut Butter | Jelly
Rice | Gravy | Pasta | Pasta Sauce
Powdered Milk | Juice
Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, salad dressing, etc.)
Diapers | Toilet Paper
Canned Meat
Canned Vegetables
FPC Water Ministry
Help our downtown neighbors beat the heat with ice cold water during the Spring and Summer!
If you would like to help, please bring a case of bottled water to the Edge Lobby or the Outreach Office at 120 W. Hargett St. (Hargett St. end of the Stock Building). Water will be iced down and stored in a cooler outside for anyone needing to hydrate.
If you would like to help, please bring a case of bottled water to the Edge Lobby or the Outreach Office at 120 W. Hargett St. (Hargett St. end of the Stock Building). Water will be iced down and stored in a cooler outside for anyone needing to hydrate.
FPC Serves Sups and Sips
Rather than keep our service to one day a year on MLK Jr. Day, we have embarked on a monthly service project journey to more fully engage with our Mission Partners. We will gather monthly at a different location to provide a service that helps others in our community and then afterwards engage in some good old fashioned fellowship at a nearby restaurant.
Red Cross Blood Drive
In an effort to help the American Red Cross overcome a blood donation shortfall, First Presbyterian Church is committed to hosted quarterly blood drives.
Please consider donating blood and provide a critical lifesaving need. You can make a difference.
Please consider donating blood and provide a critical lifesaving need. You can make a difference.
Habitat for Humanity
First Presbyterian Raleigh has been a supporting congregation of Habitat Wake from the very beginning. Like Habitat for Humanity FPC Raleigh is committed to the affordable housing effort. Currently, FPC participates annually in the Fall Presbyterian Coalition Build.
Tune into the bi-weekly Outreach Newsletter for build updates, house dedications, and event details.
Bolivian Mission
What started out as a cultural exchange between members of the Suhnam Presbyterian Church in Kwang-Ju, Korea and First Presbyterian Church has grown into much more over the years. Rev. Ik Bai Moon, a native South Korean, felt called to become a Christian missionary in Bolivia. He established twenty-five churches in Bolivia and helped to train native Bolivians to lead those congregations.
Starting in 2005, FPC began sending medical, dental, and vision mission teams to the Eden School Campus and have treated more than 30,000 individuals.
Our Vision Mission team recently returned to Santa Cruz Bolivia in the Spring of 2024. We had not been to Bolivia since 2019 before the COVID pandemic. We carried seventeen suitcases containing several thousand pairs of sunglasses, readers, and prescription glasses. For six days we operated the clinic and served 2,100 people in total, many of whom come to Santa Cruz from many miles away and waited in line for the chance to get glasses.
For most, this is their only opportunity to get glasses so that they can see well enough to read, drive, and navigate their surroundings. It’s an amazing feeling to see someone try on a pair of glasses and finally be able to read a sign on the wall. The smile that forms on their face is priceless.
Culturally, we have meals with the Bolivians, attend worship services, interact with the Eden School children, and visit some local landmarks.
In addition to sending Vision teams to Bolivia, First Presbyterian Church annually provides scholarship support to the Eden School Children.
Starting in 2005, FPC began sending medical, dental, and vision mission teams to the Eden School Campus and have treated more than 30,000 individuals.
Our Vision Mission team recently returned to Santa Cruz Bolivia in the Spring of 2024. We had not been to Bolivia since 2019 before the COVID pandemic. We carried seventeen suitcases containing several thousand pairs of sunglasses, readers, and prescription glasses. For six days we operated the clinic and served 2,100 people in total, many of whom come to Santa Cruz from many miles away and waited in line for the chance to get glasses.
For most, this is their only opportunity to get glasses so that they can see well enough to read, drive, and navigate their surroundings. It’s an amazing feeling to see someone try on a pair of glasses and finally be able to read a sign on the wall. The smile that forms on their face is priceless.
Culturally, we have meals with the Bolivians, attend worship services, interact with the Eden School children, and visit some local landmarks.
In addition to sending Vision teams to Bolivia, First Presbyterian Church annually provides scholarship support to the Eden School Children.

Haiti Mission
First Presbyterian Church of Raleigh has been involved in supporting work in Port-au-Prince, Haiti since the 2010 earthquake. The annual trips offer medical care, dental care, reading glasses and reroofing of homes to serve and benefit our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Port-au-Prince area. We work with our Haitian partners at MICECC (Mission Communautaire de l’Eglise Chretienne des Cites) in all of these efforts. Please refer to for more information about Haiti Outreach Ministries and their ministry and service in Haiti.
Individual church members and fellowship groups such as the ROCKStars and the Early Birds sponsor primary school students in Haiti through Haiti Outreach Ministries.
Due to the COVID pandemic and the current Haitian political instability and general unrest due to gang activity, we have not taken a team to Haiti since 2019. We hope to return as soon as possible. The Haitian Mission team recruits volunteer physicians, nurses, dentists, and non-medical people to staff the medical and dental clinics. The clinics in the past with the assistance of teams like ours has seen between 20,000 to 30,000 patients annually. But without these teams, the numbers have been much less.
There are also opportunities to work in light construction, distributing reading glasses and participate in other non-medical activities. This annual trip usually takes place during the summer.
Individual church members and fellowship groups such as the ROCKStars and the Early Birds sponsor primary school students in Haiti through Haiti Outreach Ministries.
Due to the COVID pandemic and the current Haitian political instability and general unrest due to gang activity, we have not taken a team to Haiti since 2019. We hope to return as soon as possible. The Haitian Mission team recruits volunteer physicians, nurses, dentists, and non-medical people to staff the medical and dental clinics. The clinics in the past with the assistance of teams like ours has seen between 20,000 to 30,000 patients annually. But without these teams, the numbers have been much less.
There are also opportunities to work in light construction, distributing reading glasses and participate in other non-medical activities. This annual trip usually takes place during the summer.

Madagascar-Dan and Elizabeth Turk (Presbyterian Missionaries)
Dan and Elizabeth Turk (Presbyterian Mission Agency) serve with the PC(USA)’s partner church, Fiangonan’i Jesoa Kristy Eto Madagasikara (FJKM) in the areas of health, environment, agriculture, and safe drinking water in their efforts to improve the lives of the Malagasy people.
Madagascar, located in the Indian Ocean, remains one of the world’s poorest countries. The majority of Malagasy citizens are Christian, a large percentage adhere to traditional beliefs, and less than 10 percent are Muslim. Elizabeth trains village health workers, helps communities develop safe drinking water sources, and educates church leaders and youth about AIDS prevention. Dan has helped the FJKM develop an extensive fruit tree program that includes a fruit tree nursery and extension work with farmers as well as environmental education.
As part of Elizabeth’s program, more than 150 community health volunteers from rural areas are receiving training in health education techniques and basic health messages. Dan’s program helps communities in improving food security and nutrition.
First Presbyterian Church’s Mission Budget annually supports the wonderful work of Dan and Elizabeth Turk in Madagascar. We look forward to their updates and visits when in the United States.
Madagascar, located in the Indian Ocean, remains one of the world’s poorest countries. The majority of Malagasy citizens are Christian, a large percentage adhere to traditional beliefs, and less than 10 percent are Muslim. Elizabeth trains village health workers, helps communities develop safe drinking water sources, and educates church leaders and youth about AIDS prevention. Dan has helped the FJKM develop an extensive fruit tree program that includes a fruit tree nursery and extension work with farmers as well as environmental education.
As part of Elizabeth’s program, more than 150 community health volunteers from rural areas are receiving training in health education techniques and basic health messages. Dan’s program helps communities in improving food security and nutrition.
First Presbyterian Church’s Mission Budget annually supports the wonderful work of Dan and Elizabeth Turk in Madagascar. We look forward to their updates and visits when in the United States.

The Friendship Fund
What is the Friendship Fund? The Friendship Fund is a crisis ministry that serves the working poor and middle class of Wake County by providing emergency assistance for rent, mortgages, and household utilities. Our mission is to prevent homelessness and critical utility shut offs, like water, electricity and household gas. Recipients must provide proof of residency and income. Financial assistance is provided directly to utility companies, landlords, and property managers across Wake County.
Founded in 1959, the Friendship Fund has become the centerpiece of our Outreach program, helping approximately 600 families annually. Its mission is to help neighbors who encounter an unbudgeted monthly expense (car repair) or event (sick child & no paid time off) that prevents them from paying their utility bills or rent.
Our ministry is funded entirely by donations and we have funding to assist approximately 10-12 households per week. We get approximately 100 requests weekly for assistance.
To obtain one of our appointments you must either
Call 919-833-4070 on Tuesday morning’s beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Click the button above.
Once we fill our weekly slots we will not take calls or online requests again until the following week.
Founded in 1959, the Friendship Fund has become the centerpiece of our Outreach program, helping approximately 600 families annually. Its mission is to help neighbors who encounter an unbudgeted monthly expense (car repair) or event (sick child & no paid time off) that prevents them from paying their utility bills or rent.
Our ministry is funded entirely by donations and we have funding to assist approximately 10-12 households per week. We get approximately 100 requests weekly for assistance.
To obtain one of our appointments you must either
Call 919-833-4070 on Tuesday morning’s beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Click the button above.
Once we fill our weekly slots we will not take calls or online requests again until the following week.