Coronavirus: Being Wise & Faithful

At times when we are faced with uncertain circumstances and uncertain outcomes, our first inclination is to be afraid. We can replace that fear with wisdom, faith and healing. Wisdom: in our preparations, faith: that God is with us in every circumstance and healing: by practicing neighborliness.

With the recent outbreak of COVID-19 we have to take action as individuals and come together as families do during trying times to eventually weather the storm. Here’s a short guide to help us be equipped to easily overcome what’s ahead of us.


Stay informed, follow expert advice and plan ahead. Stay home if you are sick. Remember to practice what we learned in grade school by washing your hands, and covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing. Keep greetings contact-free. Use a warm smile instead!


Continue to practice faith with prayer and trust in God. Have faith that our medical and scientific professionals are the best in the world and pray for the public health officials as they stand on the front lines of every health challenge. Pray for researchers working on a vaccine.


Have patience and love for yourself and others, as we will eventually overcome this global health emergency. Reach out to others by phone or email who might be isolated and alone. We will continue to meet for worship and gather for Church School and hope to resume live-streaming services for those who can’t attend services.

Let us take every opportunity when reminded of our vulnerability, to turn to the God who is with us and for us, and whose grace is sufficient in every outcome!