Reasons for Joining FPC


Moving from one city to another is extremely stressful and even scary in many ways. When my son decided to move to Raleigh, I also decided to move and that meant leaving my church (Calvary Presbyterian in San Francisco) and friends of many years back in California. I can honestly say that it was a huge upheaval. The first thing I did after buying a house was to look for a new church.

I visited four Presbyterian churches with FPC being the last of the four – the search was over! After my first worship service where I raised my hand as being a first-time visitor (and getting that delicious pound cake), I was warmly greeted by Margaret and Charles Peacock. Not only had I been moved by the sermon, but I felt connected to the congregation through that initial welcome. I was at home again and joy filled my heart.

I have long been a jump-in quickly person, and soon I was attending the wonderful Rick Brand Church School class, went to the Women’s Retreat, and joined Circle 8. The Bolivian Mission Team trip and Family Promise followed later. These latter two are mission services that I would not have done on my own; church is so important in urging us to engage in service. It was clear that I had found the right church family. I have always felt strongly about joining a church that I was attending. I also believe in pledging to support the church in its operations and mission projects.

Worshipping in community, experiencing fellowship, and serving on mission projects are all reasons for me to join a church. I am so fortunate to have found FPC and intend to give back as long as I am able.

Kathie Cheatham
October 2019