PW Christmas Giving Project

November 16 – December 11

Pride for Parents Christmas Store provides low-income parents in need of financial assistance a way to purchase new, unwrapped, and very gently used toys and other gifts for children of all ages. Everyone is invited to participate by donating gift cards from Target or Walmart – no toys please. Donations are to be mailed with a note designating Pride for Parents Store as the recipient to either:

A) Frances McClain
2113 Fallon Oaks Court
Raleigh, NC 27608

B) First Presbyterian Church
attn: Kathy Johnson
112 S. Salisbury St.
Raleigh, NC 27601

Contact Frances McClain: (919) 839-1838 or

Monetary donations are acceptable and checks should be made out to The Encouraging Place with Pride for Parents in the memo line. 
Monetary donations should be made by December 1 to be included in this year’s project. Monetary donations may be given to Kathy Johnson or Frances McClain.