Meet Our Mission Partners: Tammy Gregory

On Sunday, May 16th, Tammy Gregory, Executive Director of the Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen delivered a Moment for Mission during our worship service. FPC Outreach Director, Kathy Johnson, recently interviewed Tammy about the Shepherd’s Table.

Kathy: How long have you been the Executive Director of the Shepherd’s Table?

Tammy: I have been here since 2003, so 19 years.

Kathy: How & when did the Shepherd’s Table get started?

Tammy: It started in 1980 when six kind hearted people saw people in need of food. They started cooking at home and bringing the food down to the church parking lot and feeding out of their trunks. Soon after, the soup kitchen moved into church.

Kathy: Who does the Shepherd’s Table serve?

Tammy: We serve the homeless, the poverty stricken, the unemployed, and those battling drugs and alcohol. We serve anyone and everyone with no questions asked.

Kathy: How many people do you serve a month?

Tammy: We serve approximately 4,000 people per month.

Kathy: How much does it cost to serve people per month?

Tammy: Approximately $2,800 per month.

Kathy: How has the Shepherd’s Table been impacted by COVID?

Tammy: We had to cut our staff’s hours and go from 25 volunteers to 6. We’ve moved to providing meals outside in to-go containers, and devise a safe way to give food to guests without compromising anyone’s safety. Our guests now have to eat outside.

Kathy: What are you most proud of in regards to the Shepherd’s Table?

Tammy: We have been providing meals to the needy and oppressed for 40 years. We don’t receive any state or government funding and thus don’t have to ask questions or collect data about guests. It’s the best feeling to see the gratitude on someone’s face after receiving a hot meal.

Kathy: How can First Presbyterian members become involved or volunteer with the Shepherd’s Table?

Tammy: Members can volunteer or host a food drive.

Kathy: What items could we collect for you in a food drive?

Tammy: Elbow macaroni, hamburger buns, small bags of chips (individual), and small individual applesauce servings.