Update on Vision 2020

Just over a year ago, FPC’s Vision 2020 meetings concluded. In early 2020, our committee began analyzing and categorizing the thoughts you provided for living into ‘God’s perfect vision’ for our church. All together, you provided over 250 thoughts and ideas! Roughly 50 of our members participated, attending one of 6 Vision town-hall style meetings, and we are thankful for each response and grateful to each member who participated.

We completed our analysis this summer, presented a summary of findings to the Session, and Dr. McLeod in September handed off those 250-plus responses to appropriate church committees. The hand-offs were based on the nature of the ideas and the responsibilities of the committees. The thought was to see if the ideas might lead to new areas of ministry and mission. Committee responses were not mandated by the ideas, but were invited to receive and consider them, setting them in motion if they feel led to do so. If some of the ideas spark a new program or mission, we are counting on committees to let the church know that the idea emerged from within the congregation, so Vision 2020 participants will know they were heard.

Our collective hope for the Vision 2020 meetings and ensuing responses is that we will always be open to the Spirit’s leading, as we seek to reflect the best dreams God has for our family of faith.

– Strategic Planning Committee