Meet the Mission Committee: Fran Yohman

I am very blessed to have many dedicated members of the mission committee. These FPC members devote countless hours of their time and assist me with mission budget allocation, grant reviews, as well as serving as coordinators for various subcommittees and/or as liaisons with mission partners. The mission committee is comprised of elders, deacons, PW representatives and at-large church members. I couldn’t do my job effectively without their help and I want you to have the opportunity to get to know them better.

Mission Committee Member: Fran Yohman (Current Elder)
Joined FPC: 1978
Family: Married to Ed for more than 40 years. Mother to two adult daughters, Megan and Ashley, both raised at FPC.
Career: Retired teacher; Taught for 40 years; Elementary Reading Specialist

Kathy: Why do you feel missions are important to FPC?
Fran: It’s what God calls us to do – serve others less fortunate.

Kathy: What mission are you most closely affiliated with and why?
Fran: Outreach Ministry Volunteer- a chance to help an individual keep water turned on or power turned on or remain in their home. Although working with the client face to face is more personally rewarding, being able to hear the relief/joy in their voice on the phone works well too. People are so grateful for the help our church is able to give and I love the small part I play in this. Also serve as Moderator of Grants Sub-committee and Scholarship Sub-Committee

Kathy: What was your most memorable trip or vacation?
Fran: Family trip cruising to Western Mediterranean following Ashley’s graduation from UNC-Charlotte.

Kathy: What is an item on your bucket list?
Fran: Do a Trans-Atlantic cruise to Europe.

Kathy: What is something positive that you’ve experienced during the pandemic that you may incorporate into your life going forward?
Fran: The ability to meet and worship via Zoom has been a real blessing. I would like to continue some meetings via Zoom. With limited time with family and friends during the pandemic, I’d like to think I’d be more appreciative of those times in the future.

Kathy: If you could invite 3 people (living or dead, fictional or real) to dinner, who would they be and why?

  • Jesus— Although quite intimidating, what a blessing it would be to see Him face to face in this life.
  • Next would be my parents to ask them what heaven is like and to thank them again for all the wonderful things they did for me.