FPC Financial Operations

Trinity Concepts Corporation, a local accounting firm, assumed responsibility for the FPC’s daily financial processing in June.

They have superior knowledge of ACS church accounting and needed bench strength as they provide this service to over 60 churches in the area.  The owner is Burke Raper, a Baptist minister.  Other TCC employees working for FPC include Tommy Bedford, Jaimie Kinkade, and Kathy Rattie. Andrew Hutchings, our financial services contractor for the last year, is working on some systems structural issues.  Bonnie Hoots retired again in June after almost a year of part-time financial assistance.  Trinity employees will be establishing weekly hours Monday-Thursday.  The church financial office has relocated to the 2nd floor of the Stock Building for dedicated internet and can be reached at extension 1020. I have also become intimately familiar with the church finances, so feel free to contact me (x2219) should you need assistance. Thank you.

Edward Bruce
FPC Church Administrator